9 Proven Ways to Influence Work Culture

Work culture is one of the key factors that influence the productivity of an organization. If the workers are happy to go to work and make the most of their time there because their workplace gives them joy, the organization is bound to achieve higher success as compared to those where the work culture is unpleasant. For instance, mechanical workers work best when the workplace safety is ensured.

Here are five proven ways to influence work culture positively. You must take these into consideration if you are looking for your dream job.

1.         Inclusivity

Australia today is a multicultural country inhabited by many races and ethnicities. Originally the land of aboriginal communities, today Australia is the home to people from around the world. This is why inclusivity is more important than before. Healthy workplaces are those which promote this culture and create an environment which is safe and comfortable for all. In this regard, it is important to develop policies and arrange activities that promote bonding between people from different cultures. You can work on workplace engagement with Performance by Design.

2.         Appreciation

Sometimes words mean more than rewards to people. In a work culture where every member is valued for whatever little they do, the productivity also increases multi-fold as people are motivated to work harder when appreciated. Appreciation not only elevates the morale of the workers, but also enhances their loyalty and sense of belonging towards the organization. Appreciation plays an important role in retaining the employees for a longer time. However, here it is also important to appreciate people rightfully and not falsely just for the sake of it.

3.         Employee voice

While the hierarchy in an organization is important, every employee is an important and valuable asset to the organization. For example, it is not only the manager who has a key position in an organization, but also a driver who helps in commuting the employees from their homes to their workplace. Hence, it is vital that the employees’ voices are heard regardless what their position in the hierarchy of an organization is. There can be many ways of promoting the employee voice in and increasing their participation in the decision making processes. For example, tool box talk, informal meetings, suggestion box etc. can help in this regard.

4.         Mutual respect

As disused earlier, all employees are equally important no matter what their position is. Hence, mutual respect is an important factor than can influence the work culture. Everyone in a workplace deserves the same amount of respect and regard. It is also important to understand that respect is earned and not commanded. Hence, respect begets respect. It is not possible to demand respect from the juniors if the seniors do not give the same to them. Mutual respect can be promoted effectively through equality and group activities that remove barriers.

5.         Encourage positivity

Last but not the least, it is of utmost importance to encourage positivity in the organization. In any work place, a positive attitude can do unimaginable wonders. No matter what the circumstances are, if the employees are positive and driven everything can be overcome. Since it trickles down the head, the role and responsibility of the senior management increases. Any boss with a positive and happy mindset can radiate the same energy among the employees thereby making the workplace a joyful and motivated experience for all.

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