Best Free Camping Sites in QLD

If you are on a budget and you want to take some time off from work and go on a trip then the best thing to do is to opt for camping. Especially when it comes to camping, Queensland is the best place to go to.  It’s calm, it’s peaceful and on top of everything else, it’s the best place with the picturesque landscapes. 

Tourists from all across the world travel to the southeast of Queensland just to have the best camping experience possible. Whether you are with your friends, family or colleagues, you can have the best time camping in Queensland and that’s exactly what we are here to explore today. 

This article will help assist you in exploring some of the best camping sites in Queensland and not just any sites, in fact the ones we are going to mention, they all are free!  So If you really want the best time of your life even while being on a tight budget, then take notes of what you are about to explore.

  1. Bigriggen Park, Scenic Rim

If you are looking for the best caravan and holiday park then know that the Bigriggen Park is where you should head. This park is 90 minutes away from Brisbane and it has some of the most beautiful scenery you’ll ever see. There’s the river alongside this park and especially during the sunset, you will witness one of the most fascinating views possible. Whether you want to swim or relax, this park is best suitable option for you. To top it all, even pets are allowed here.

  • Ocean Beach, Bribie Island

The only issue with this free camping spot is that it has 4WD access only.  But if you somehow make it to this island, you’ll witness one of the most mesmerizing ocean beaches possible. Go to this park early in the morning and you’ll see kangaroos hopping around here and there.  And during the sunset, you can see the World War II bunkers too.  In a nutshell, it’s one great place to go to. Just make sure to have some bookings in advance because the camping spots here are quite limited in number.

  • Fraser Island

Everyone in the world knows that Queensland is the best place for beautiful beaches and rainforests. At Fraser Island, you get both these things together at the same place. This island is 300 kilometres away from the north of Brisbane but the distance and the drive are totally worth the experience and the views that you’ll witness, are worth the time spent driving. It’s also famous for being the world’s largest sand island. So, Fraser Island is a must-visit if you want the best camping experience.

These are some of the best and the most beautiful camping sites in Queensland. Hence, don’t think much over it, pick any one site and you are good to go!

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